A little stone with a hardness of 4.0. Its Color can be extremely variable, purple, red, pink, yellow, green, blue and sometimes black. Often banded and very colorful. Strongly fluorescent (blue or violet). Fluorite, having a hardness of 4, is only suitable for use in jewelry (such as pendants, earrings), which is not subject to wear and possible abuse. Softer gemstones as these are often found only in collections. Also known as Fluorspar, CaF2. What is the link with Sailor Saturn??????? I tried to find out. There's something with the hardness. I tried to imagine twisted things about the number 4. Hum... They are 4 outers... 4 inners... 4 starlights (with Princess Kakyuu)... No, I don't think so.
I wasn't able to sleep anymore. I thought and re-thought: Why Fluorite? Why not Amethyst? This gemstone is always purple. Well. I said to myself: let's search for a spiritual defenition of this gemstone (you know, those crazy revelations about stones...) I found this crazy site: http://www.rainbowcrystal.com/crystal/gems/fluorite.html Read it if you want, it is more funny than useful for my little research. And one day, I was surfing throught the net, gently, without thinking about Fluorite. I was looking for some good sites for my "learn japanese" section. I went to the online japanese dictionnary, and typed Hotaru. Then I saw it. THE link. I jumped in my eyes and then, I knew I would be able to sleep this night: Hotaruishi means Fluorite, in japanese YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! |