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I heard of a Sailor Moon movie... A live movie, with real people. We've all heard of that stuff via the S.O.S. (wich I don't actually support... I have my reasons). I would be directed by Geena Davis (did you know that Geena was in the Mensa club? This "club" is for the people who have an I.Q. more than 150 I think) and there was some suggestions about the actors... But If Geena Davis, who lives in the United States, is producing a movie with Queen Baril (acted by Geena), de you really with the movie will enclude the Outer Scouts? I guess she doesn't even know that they exist. But... If one day someone want to make a movie about Hotaru (who hows? ^_^), I did some little research about wich actress would do the best Hotaru.

First Nominated: Fairuza Balk
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Everybody knows Fairuza Balk. Ok, maybe if I say "Fairuza Balk", it won't give you a single idea of that person. But if I say that she played in The Craft, Oh, there, you know who she is. Yes, she's the foolish one in the craft, with black hair and nose rings. She also payed in Return to Oz (she played the little Dorothy) and in Island of Dr. Moreau. I chose her mostly because of her little gothic side, because she's always in black, she has black hair, I could see her as the Destructor of the universe.
Weak point: her look isn't innocent. Hotaru has two sides: the strong, powerful Sailor Saturn who can destroy the universe, and the weak and fragile Hotaru who is always alone. Balk has only one of the two.

Second Nominated: Milla Jovovich
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Everyone also knows Milla Jovovich. We saw her in Ck Escape publicities, and for sure, in The Fifth Element. I chose her... because of her hair style! Look at the first picture of her, in the Fifth Element, she HAS Hotaru's hair style! Just color it in black and add purple eye lens, and we have Hotaru! She can look shy or dangerous, and that is an important point.
But... the weak point is that she's so tall! She will be taller than Jupiter and Jupiter is supposed to be the tallest! Hotaru is supposed to be small... Sorry Milla.

Third Nominated: Jennifer Connelly
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Everybody knows Jannifer Connellan. She's the one who played in Labyrinth and, for a most recent movie, in Dark City. The reason? Her EYES. Look at that: on the right picture, she looks like an innocent girl, peaceful, a little bit shy. On the left picture, it is the opposite: she could kill someone! She's a little bit too old, but the major weak point is her breast. Did you see that? It is too heavy. I guess she's wearing DDD wonderbras. If you compare her to Hotaru, well... The difference is too big.

Fourth Nominated: Winona Ryder
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Everybody knows Winona Ryder. She played in a lot of popular movies, like The crucible or Beetlejuice. She acts very well, she's a really good actress. Maybe she's not provocant enough, or maybe not, after all. The third image is an image of her when she was younger. Winona is the choice of my brother. I must say that she would be a great Hotaru, but.. Her weak point: she's a little bit too old. Imagine her as a 12 years old girl (like in the Sailor Moon Star episodes)... Mmm...

Fifth Nominated: Christina Ricci

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Everybody knows Christina Ricci. She acted in Now and Then, Addams Family, Casper, and many other movies. I think she would be the best Hotaru. Really. She has her face. She has the shy expression of Hotaru in her eyes but she can have one of that look that scared us to death, this look that makes shiver crossing our back. She's young, she acts well, really, I think it

would be the best choice. Her weak point: she doesn't have any! Well, we found our new Hotaru.

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