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Ok, I saw all the Sailor Moon S episodes with hotaru... But I don't have the time to write anything! I start working tomorrow, everyday from 8 to 4, I won't have much time. I can't promess anything, but I'll do my possible to offer you the best episodes description you'll ever seen!

It will be so precise that you won't be obligated to view the tapes anymore! Note: it WILL contain spoilers.

Thank you!

But in spite of this lacking of time, I'm offering you a brief summary (with spoilers!):

______Once upon a time lived a little girl named Hotaru (I will tell you the story of the anime, it's less confusing) who was in her father's lab at the age of 8. She was looking at an experiment of her father, when suddenly, a big alien red thing appeared and exploded. Her father found his daughter without life and just started being crazy. Before he could do anything, a strange light came to him and said: do you want back your daughter? Prof Tomoe answer: Yes! At any price! even if it cost my life! The light reply: Then, I will take your body!

______Now, she's around 16, she doesn't really know what happened this day, except the explosion, and that she was going to die when her father gave her a cyborg body. The fact is that she doesn't know her father is evil and he just implanted a daimon egg in her body after the accident. This daimon egg is Mistress nine. Tomoe just wait his egg to hatch while he's trying to make other eggs, Withes 5, and other daimons, the bad characters than Sailor Moon have to fight with.

______Hotaru is weak because of her cyborg boby, she has crisis, her body is not real, needs improvment. Tomoe (of the evil thing) knew that Hotaru was going to be Sailor Saturn, a powerfull person, and this is why they chose her to become mistress nine, to give the messiah more power. The power is necessary to call and make come the Tow system solar, the origen planet of the strange alien thing. The Tow system wants to make one with the earth.

______Now, to awaken, Mistress nine needs a pure heart very powrfull, like the silver crystal of chibi-usa. When she absobs it, Hotaru become Mistress Nine, but in all this story, Hotaru is innocent, poor victim of the cicumstances. And during all these events, three other senshi want to kill Sailor Saturn, because she has the power to destroy the earth, and to bring the Silence. What a messy thing.

______The three outer senshi tried hard to kill Mistress Nine, but Sailor Moon came to save her, because she trusted that Hotaru was still inside.

______The ultimate thing Mistress Nine wants is the Sacred Cup of Sailor Moon, to make the Tow system come and merge with the earth. The outers didn't want to, they were shouting that Sailor Moon had no right to use the Sacred cup, since she's not the real messiah.. Sailor Moon gives it anyway and Mistress Nine destroys it to have more energy, to merge with the Tow system. But put Mistress nine into the body of Hotaru was wrong, because the Sailor Saturn personnality was too strong to let mistress nine in the same body. Then, there's an inside-body fight between Mistress nine and Hotaru-Sailor saturn. Sailor Saturn is too powerfull, so Mistress Nine dies!

______Sailor Saturn gives back the silver crystal to chibi-usa, and go see Sailor Moon. The only way to destroy the Tow system is to enter the center of it and to destroy anything. But the only way to survive to it is to have a second level of transofrmation, like Super Sailor Moon, but the sacred cup had been broken, and it's impossible. The only two powerfull senshi than could go into the center are Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn, but one of these two will have to die, to destroy anything of this solar system and themselves. Sailor Saturn sacrifies herself because she believes that Sailor Moon has to rest on earth. So, she goes in the center of Tow, she makes her "death reborn revolution" (than we don't see), and everything of the alien thing is destroyed. Sailor Moon wants to save hotaru, so she tried to say: Crisis, make uo! To change in Super Sailor Moon, the the sacred cup isn't living anymore! She shouts "crisis make up!" a lot of times, but it doesn't do anything.

______Then, every senshi just trust in her, give their power to her, and then, Sialor Moon yells to louder she can: Crisis, MAKE UP!!!!! And she transforms into Super Sailor Moon, goes in the mess and rescue Baby Hotaru, who just ressurected...

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