Hotaru Tomoe
Sailor Saturn
Super Sailor Saturn/Sailor Super Saturn (depends of your language)
Mistress Nine
Japanese name: Hotaru Tomoe
French name: Olivia Tomoe
Italian name: Ottiva Tomoe
Cantonese name: Ah-Ying Tomoe
Portuguese name: Otavia Tomoe
American name: not decided yet
Meaning of her name:
-Hotaru means Firefly
-Tomoe is more difficult; people talk about
"earth" or "soil", some other talk about "death"...
(I vote for earth!)
Birthdate: January 6. Year unknown.
Astrologic sign: Capricorn
Celtic Astrological Sign: Beth (Birch)
Age: How can I give an age if she resurrect!
Blood type: AB (everyone knows it!)
Favorite color: Purple (as shown in the mangas... but she
also says that she likes to wear black)
Hobby: Read, collecting lamps
Least favorite food: Milk
Favorite food: Nihon Soba (and it means Japanese Noodles)
Her school: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite subject: World History
Least favorite subject: Physical Education
Weak point: Marathons
Strong point: Injury treatment
Dream: To be a doctor (or a nurse?)
Gemstone: Fluorite
Knack: Power to heal people
Height: 5'2" (It's a guess!)
Mother: Keiko Tomoe
Father: Souichi/Souiji Tomoe (it depends of the language)
Home: Tomoe Mansion
Best friend: Chibi-Usa
Her Castle: Titan
Attitude: Shy, weak, introvert, has trouble to make friends
Voice/Seiyuu: Minaguchi Yuko
We see her for the first time at the end of the
episode 111 of Sailor Moon S series (no 22)
Silver Millenium name: Melpomene
(I'm not sure of this information... I found that on the adress below and I didn't
know it is was true)