Sylvie-Anne Ménard Group: monday morning My Daily Dives in the Dumpster Summary: Lars Eighner was, once in his life, a scavenger. He looked in the trashes of other in order to survive. He tells how it feels, the steps of scavenging, the basic rules, etc. We much more perfectly good stuff in the dumpster than we think. There are a few principels when eating from the dumpsters, and there's a lot of food that is thrown because of minor flaws. He once lived beside a delivery shop, and often got pizza that was thrown away because of wrong topping. They are thrown in their boxes, so they are still good to eat. He didn't feel competition towards the other scavengers, though he hated soda-can scoungers. He once realized that with a complete day of soda-can scounging, he only made a few dollars. He conclued that only people who need money was looking for soda-cans. And the only homeless who need money are those who have to pay their drugs or alcohol. He could find stories through the garbages, too, and it's often sad. Vocabulary: Scavenger: someone that search in the trashes. Dumpster: the place where the bargages are thrown away Qualms: scruples Raw fruits: uncooked fruits Dysentery: infectious or parasitic disease Drawbacks: disadvantage Scroungers: parsite Questions: 1. Can we survive with soda-can hunting? 2. Do homeless scavengers really have ethics? 3. Are all the former-scavengers better citizens?