Sylvie-Anne Ménard Group: 6440 1. two english language and one french language internet search engines: -Ask Jeeves, Find-it!, La toile du Québec 2. a) Repère is an index of what kind of publication? -French language "périodiques" b) What do all of these publications have in common? -they come from magazines 3. Names of two publication we can find in Actualité Québec. -La presse, Le devoir. 4. What is Le bottin Internet du Québec? Best search engines 5. a)One advantage of Ebsco Host if you have access to a modem? -We can send the article by e-mail b)What does texte intégral mean? -We can download the whole text in the computer without looking for it in the library. 6. a)the name of the shortcut to find the serach engines: -"favoris de la bibliothèque" b) Two "mega" serach engines: - Copernic