We are two very nice persons from Montreal! ^_^ We decided to affiliate because of our shared interests and goals. This association is made between two young french-canadian ladies, Caacrinolas and Ecchymose. The first of the two (Caacrinolas) is a promising artist that is going to study in a music program in college. She has been published three times in three different fanzines and she did some cover pages of local publications. She mainly sells inked drawings and is interrested in buyng some sheets music, musical instruments and anime goodies. Ecchymose is a student in multimedia, she's on the net since a couple of years now. She's an invisible visitors of many gothic newsgroups and boards(alt.gothic.fashion, cybergoth board, budgetgothlist, etc). She doesn't speak a lot there because of her terrible english!! -_-;;; (or at least, that's what she thinks - her english is not so bad, trust me! ^_-). Her main interests are sci-fi, fantastic and asiatic movies, cyberpunk and sci-fi litterature, barbie customizing (yay! ^_^) and yummy restaurants!! She's presently selling some gothic clothes because she's more interrested in cyber/modern fashion. Our english may not be perfect, but we are very friendly and there's always a way to be understood! ^_^;; - Caacrinolas & Ecchymose (faut changer le I pour un We et le My pour un Our) We need money for a project we started a long time ago... bombe nucélaire on pourrait dire pour nos dépense ordinaire que l'on a besoin d'argent pour créer... des films, des barbies, des dessins, de la musique, whatever.. Shipping: We will only deliver in North America. I had a lot (and I mean: A LOT) of lost packages when I tried to send a package in europe (in Belgium, more precisely), and I really don't want this to happen anymore. If you live outside North America and you really insist in buying the item, send us an e-mail and we'll see what options are available. Money is to be received between 10 days after the auction ends. Shipping is paid by the buyer, with exceptions (generally, the shipping fees in North America for the drawings are included in the opening bids ^_^). We accept international postal money orders, checks (with a 10 days clearance) and cash, at your own risk (canadian and american money only, and registred mail is adviced). No credit cards, please. We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages. When we send a package, we'll scan the papers that prove that the box has been shipped with the date and the hour and we'll send it to you by e-mail. ^_^ Obviously, everyone on earth needs money to survive... but we're different, because we REALLY need it! ^_- First, because we're students, and this means we're poor. Also, we're canadians and we must often pay in us founds. And finally, because we need money for our creation projects. We are two artists, and creation is really important in our lives, and we all know that art requires some investment... Barbies don't grow in trees, same thing for sheets music, and acrylic paint neither... This is why we need money. He. ^_^;; c'est pour ça que nous on a besoin d'argent...