Hi Amanda, I'm Zviane, from Montréal, Canada. I'm a comic book artist (and a musician). I came across your videos on youtube a few years ago and found them really fascinating. I've been working with autistic people when I was 20 (10 years ago), as a summer job, and it quite changed my way of seeing life and humain interractions. (please excuse my bad english, my first language is french) right now, i'm writing a graphic novel about my experience (althought it's a fiction rather and an autofictional story). I don't have the pretention to show what is autism, because being a neurotypical, i don't really know. It's on the shock, as a neurotypical, of being confronted to a world we don't quite understand - and the way it makes us realise we don't even understand ourselves. Instead of giving answers, I chose to ask questions to the reader, to make him find his own conclusions. The reason why I'm writting you is that there's a few texts of yours I would like to adapt and place in the novel. The first one would be a short version of "being an unperson", and the second one would be an adaptation of a story on your blog, when someone asks you if you want your sandwich cut in half. There might be other writin I would like to use. I would let you know. It wouldn't be a quotation, but rather an adaptation (being a graphic novel, I have to adapt it with images I draw. I would also translate it in french). I don't think it would take more dans 6 pages (out of approx. 600). I want to have your authorization. Let me say that I think your writings are important. I would like them to be read by the greatest amount of people possible. I would, of course, put your credits in the bibliography at the end of the book and recommend the reading of your blog. If you accept. Thanks again for what your share. Please answer me at zviane@gmail.com, thank you very much! Zviane