I am going to Talk about Serena Joy. At the begining, her name is full of irony. For sure, she's not joyful nor serene at all. She's trying to look like as if she were, but she's not. Her life is miserable and sad because she's sterile and the Gilead society is proning progeniture. The reason why she's so mean and arrogant towards Offred is that she's simply unhappy. In a certain way, she's envying Offred for having a purpose while she doesn't. She usually stands in her garden, quiet, knitting. And she's doing that all day long. Her sterility is making her a frustrated woman that can't fill the society needs. At the base, she was a very determinated person. Yung, she was the leader soprano of a choral. Many personnality traits show that she still have that determination, for instance when she's offring to Offred to try another man. "She wants it all right, that baby", thinks Offred. Having a leader conscience, she just can't bear the fact that she needs someone else to do the most important job. It's like as if she were showing the weak side of hers. her entire life is based on offrred but she can't stand that she could actually depend upon someone.