________________________________________________________________________________ From : webmaster@epilogue.net (Epilogue.net) To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Thank you for registering. Date : 3 Mar 2002 22:21:13 -0500 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thank you for becoming an Epilogue Member! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Please keep this email for future reference! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is your Epilogue Login information: Username: caacrinolas Password: laitue Visit your Member Home Page (http://home.epilogue.net) to begin submitting files. Your Member Home Page allows you to: - Submit and Modify files - Modify your Member Profile - View Comments posted by visitors - View your gallery statistics (popularity, # of visitors, etc) - Check the approval status of your submissions - Visit your gallery pages directly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have problems logging in to your account: - Check the spelling of your username and password. Login is case sensitive! - Be sure to enable 'cookies' in your web browser. Login will not work without cookies. - If all else fails, contact support@epilogue.net. Again, thank you for joining Epilogue! Chad Lockwood Epilogue - Fantasy and Sci-fi at their best. http://www.epilogue.net _____________________________________________________________________________ From : dillons@pacbell.net To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Welcome to The Oasis Forums Date : Sat, 29 Jun 2002 23:42:00 UT Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Welcome to The Oasis Forums Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows: ---------------------------- Username: caacrinolas Password: lampadaire ---------------------------- Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured. Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account. Thank you for registering. -- Thanks, The Management __________________________________________________________________________________ From : master@okcounter.com Reply-To : master@okcounter.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Registered Okcounter Date : Sun, 30 Jun 2002 10:21:24 +0900 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Saved your information into OKcounter member Database E-mail caacrinolas@hotmail.com Homepage title stripes, lace tirm and a grand piano Home address http://rayures.agentcobalt.com Password lampadaire You need to put the following html code on your web site : _________________________________________________________________________________ ----Original Message Follows---- From: justice@animegrafx.com Reply-To: justice@animegrafx.com To: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject: Thank You For Registering at MAG Discussion Forum Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 22:21:49 -0700 (PDT) Monthly Anime Gaijin http://animegrafx.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/animegrafx/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi Thank you for registering! Your username and password are below: Username : caacrinolas Password : aulbBiD Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Please note that you can change your password at any time by editing your profile. If you change your email address, a new password will be sent to you. __________________________________________________________________ ----Original Message Follows---- From: To: Subject: Your Myspace Registration Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 11:33:44 -0800 Hello caacrinolas, Your Myspace account is ready and waiting at http://www.myspace.com/ActivateAccount.asp?A=V16075994&s=caacrinolas Your screen name is: caacrinolas Your activation code is: V16075994 To activate your account just click on the URL shown above. You will then have access to the most powerful file storage, sharing and collaboration area on the web. Be sure to tell your friends about MySpace and give them your referrer code (U006A5375). For every person that signs up and activates their account using this referrer code you will receive 5 MB of free space. MySpace.com Team www.myspace.com Please do not reply to this address. If you have questions about your account, please write to support@myspace.com _________________________________________________________________________ ----Original Message Follows---- From: counter@thecounter.com To: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject: Your new web Counter from theCounter.com Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 17:17:36 -0500 Dear Caacrinolas, Thanks for signing up for a Counter with us at theCounter.com. Your account number is: 2158396 And your password is: cobra By using the above information and logging into your account with us on a regular basis, you can track some fascinating statistics about your visitors. You can find your Counter code at: http://www.theCounter.com/tc_code.php?account=2158396 If you use a wysiwyg editor, such as Front Page or Netscape Composer, you can add this code with an option usually called 'Add HTML-code' or the like. If you are having any problems installing theCounter on your website, please refer to the Help page. To access your statistics and to configure your Counter, just go to our website at http://www.theCounter.com and click on the 'Log In' link. We hope that you will enjoy our service and find the statistics that we offer useful. And, be sure to check our Global Statistics at http://www.theCounter.com/stats/ Regards Fredrik Gillstrom http://www.theCounter.com _____________________________________________________________________________ <----Original Message Follows---- From: webmaster@9ug.com To: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject: Welcome to 9ug Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 21:10:13 -0500 Welcome to 9ug, your new web site is ready for you to login Your information is as follows: --------------------------------------- Account Name: -- caa Password: -- cobra Your Url: -- http://www.9ug.com/members/caa/ To login to your web site and upload or create your pages please go to: http://www.9ug.com/cgi-bin/host/manager.cgi You may also access your web site via subdomain: http://account.9ug.com If you have any questions or comments please visit our chat forum at http://forum.9ug.com To your account pass word, login at http://www.9ug.com and goto account information. Thank you for deciding to use 9ug.com, we look forward to a long and exciting experiance with you! Will R. 9ug.com admin@9ug.com ICQ: 92837597 _________________________________________________________________________________ From : CyberTech Internet To : Bruno Auger Subject : Un nouveau compte a ete cree pour vous! Date : Sun, 26 Mar 2000 00:05:03 -0500 - CyberTech Internet - Nous avons recu votre demande d'hebergement et avons procede a l'installation d'un nouveau compte d'hebergement Personnel avec les informations suivantes: Prenom et nom: Caacrinolas Snake Courrier electronique: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Description: Mon projet personnel scolaire: une bande dessinee online. Nom du compte: rhapsodie Mot de passe: cobra33 Adresse vers votre site web: http://CyberTechs.qc.ca/prv/rhapsodie/ Vous pouvez aussi utiliser: http://CyberTechs.qc.ca/~rhapsodie/ La procedure pour l'installation de votre site web est disponible a l'adresse suivante: http://www.cybertechs.qc.ca/installation.html. Les CONDITIONS pour beneficier de cet hebergement gratuit: Le service d'hebergement de site web PERSONNEL convient que les sites heberges sont sans but lucratif. AUCUNE publicite, activite a but lucratif et/ou illegale, prix et autres motifs pouvant contenir des buts commerciaux ne seront toleres sur ces sites. N'oubliez pas d'ajouter notre petite banniere sur votre page principale tel que convenu dans les termes et conditions d'hebergement Personnel sur notre site Web (http://www.cybertechs.qc.ca/conditions.html). Les sites web sont visites regulierement pour ces verifications. En cas d'un manquement a l'une de ces conditions, votre compte pourra etre supprime sans preavis. Si vous desirez obtenir plus de renseignements sur l'hebergement de votre site web, l'adresse est la suivante: Hebergement@CyberTechs.qc.ca. Pour des renseignements sur la procedure a suivre, ecrivez a cette adresse: Tech@CyberTechs.qc.ca. Nous offrons une vitrine sur le monde ________________________________________________________________________________ ----Original Message Follows---- From: email@ezboard.com To: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject: Your new ezboard Global account Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 10:58:42 -0700 Hello caacrinolas, Thank you for registering for an ezboard Global account. You may use this account to access any public ezboard community. To login, go to http://www.ezboard.com and enter your account information: User Name: caacrinolas Password: 8339 This will take you to your Control Center. You may also login from any ezboard community by clicking on the My Control Center link. Note that you can change your password by logging in and clicking on Edit Profile (in your personal tab area). Remember, none of your personal information (email, etc) is ever sold or distributed without your permission. ezboard is very easy to use. When you go to any ezboard, you first see the main community listing all the forums (discussion areas). Just click on a forum to see all existing topics. Click on any topic to join a discussion. You can Reply to any post in that discussion. To start your own discussion, click on New Topic. You can create your own ezboard community and search for existing communities from our home page. We also offer a tour and help at the ezboard home page, as well as helpful support forums at: http://www.ezboard.com/ezboard. We welcome your feedback at our support forums and you can also email us at helpdesk@ezboard.com. We hope you enjoy ezboard! Be sure to email and tell your friends about your experience! the ezboard team _____________________________________________________________________________ ----Original Message Follows---- From: cityhall@fortunecity.com To: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject: Welcome to FortuneCity Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 01:49:59 -0000 Congratulations, you have moved into your new home at 1236 Palette Place,Victoria Park ! Your web address is: http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/palette/1236 to change this url to: "http://come.to/yourname" click here: http://come.to Your username is: caacrinolas Your password is: cobra33 Follow the Build link from any of the main city pages to create/upload your pages, or click on this link: http://www.fortunecity.com/build/index.html Looking for add-ons to make your homepage even more interactive? Then check out BraveNet where you can get free message boards, chatrooms, greetings cards and vote casters. http://www.bravenet.com Follow this link to check your mail if you requested a free email account, or to create one if you didnt get one when you signed up: http://www.fcmail.com Now that youve settled in, go ahead and explore the city! Post your address on the Message Board; meet your neighbors; and dont forget to check out the latest news from City Hall! Shop! Chat! Dont be caught cat-napping in "the City that NEVER sleeps!" See our FAQ at http://www.fortunecity.com/help/index.html for answers to most of your common queries. If you would like to find out more about whats going on in your neighborhood, or if you have any questions or suggestions you would like to make, the best person to contact is your area minister. To find out who your area minister is please go to: http://www.fortunecity.com/interact/ministers/index.html And dont forget to register your site with all the search engines. Our new autosubmit feature will automatically submit your site to the top 6 search engines: http://www.fortunecity.com/build/submit/index.html FortuneCity Administration cityhall@fortunecity.com _______________________________________________________________________________ From : "SailorMoon.org Library Card System" To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Your new account Date : Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:31:10 -0600 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Welcome to the SailorMoon.org Library card system. Your library card is now active Please go to: http://www.sailormoon.org/lcs/ and click on the login button to start using the system. Your username is : caacrinolas (all lower case) Your password is : bqe6eu DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE! Please print it out and store it in a safe place. You may need to quit your browser and restart it to access the libraries. Please read http://www.sailormoon.org/lcs/lcs-faq.html It answers the common questions users have about this site. If you have any problems please email darien@sailormoon.org The sailormoon.org staff. ________________________________________________________________________________ From : support@ohhello.com Reply-To : support@ohhello.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : OH HELLO : account welcome Date : Sun, 2 Jan 2000 18:51:20 -0500 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Hello folie! Thank you for choosing the oh, hello network to meet your website service requirements! We look forward to serving you in the future as we continue to improve our products by using our users suggestions and feedback. Now that you are registered, we urge you to log in and immediately change your passcode to something you will be able to remember. The following is your account information so please keep this email for your reference. A C C O U N T I N F O R M A T I O N username : folie passcode : 12858273 GBOOK.NU log in : http://gbook.nu/?u=folie gbook : http://gbook.nu/x/folie/ If you have any questions or comments, please contact our support team at support@ohhello.com Thank you for supporting our community, the oh, hello network http://swanky.org/ http://gbook.nu/ http://scribble.nu/ _______________________________________________________________________________ From : Coral@catsrule.garfield.com Reply-To : Coral@catsrule.garfield.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Addition to Sailor Saturn Ring Date : Sat, 9 Oct 1999 17:42:00 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version You have just been added to Sailor Saturn Ring. Congratulations! Your site information is as follows: Ring ID: satr (Sailor Saturn Ring) Site ID: 87 URL: http://www.spaceports.com/~cult Title: Silence Cult Password: cobra33 You will probably want to take a look at the ring index at http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=satr&index You will find an index of all Sailor Saturn Ring sites and those still in the queue. You will also find a list of pages in the Queue as well as the form needed to add them to the ring. Important: when someone e-mail about join the ring Forward it to me Well would you like the fragment? Well here it is. You must add somwhere on your page. Put your id number instaned of 1 and cange my e-mail and name to your e-mail and name I will chage on you soon!!!

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(This page is also accessible from the index.) Simply click on the 'Add' link next to their site, verify that their site information is correct, and fill in *your* site ID (which is listed at the top of this e-mail message) and your site password (also above). As a final note, please do not publicize either of these URLs! They are there only for ring additions and for the convenience/curiosity of ring members. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Cheers, Sailor Saturn Ring Ringmaster Sailor Coral _________________________________________________________________________________ From : "Steve Keyser" Reply-To : webmaster@spaceports.com To : undisclosed-recipients:; Subject : Important NEWS from Spaceports Date : Mon, 13 Sep 1999 00:49:17 -0600 (MDT) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Well ill start off by saying we should have the August Checks out to people very soon. we are still waiting for the numbers from Valueclick , but they assure me the numbers will be coming soon. On that note we have less than a 5% sign up rate for the ad program, this number is ridiculous are people not understanding what we are doing here? SPACEPORTS PAYS YOU TO PUT ADS ON YOUR SITE. you the webmaster get paid 10 cents a clickthrough for your website. its real simple go to http://www.spaceports.com/news.htm it will tell you the rules it will give you the ad code and it will ask you for the information on where we send the checks. If the signup rate doesn't improve dramatically over the rest of the month of September we will be forcing ads onto the sites. forced ads sites will not be paid. Other news here are the current features of spaceports. Unlimited webspace. we currently have many customers with excess of 2 gig websites if you need the space just ask you'll get it http://www.spaceports.com CGI-BIN. we have an active cgi server if you need cgi or SSI on your site apply for a cgi-bin site to compliment your current site. http://config.spaceports.com Paid banner advertising. webmasters get 10 cents a clickthrough on the banners they run from their sites http://www.spaceports.com/news.htm Spacemail. free web based email better than hotmail because it isn't run by Microsoft :) http://www.spacemail.com Spaceproxy. surf the net anonymously http://www.spaceproxy.com Free 15 meg file storage. need a place to store your MP3'S this is it 15 megs of encrypted storage http://www.spaceports.com/atrieva/ 50% off ACEftp and ACEexpert ACEftp has got to be one of the best ftp programs on the market today. This promotion will end Oct 1st 1999 http://www.visic.com/aceexpert/promo-sp.html NEW SERVICES COMING SOON FREE DOMAIN NAMES FOR YOUR SPACEPORTS SITES FREE WEB BASED ANONYMOUS NEWSGROUP SURFING PHP SUPPORT ON THE CGI SERVER Remember spaceports is only as good as you make it!!! Steve Keyser steve@tera-byte.com www.tera-byte.com www.redirection.net www.spaceports.com www.spacemail.com www.spaceports.net _______________________________________________________________________________ From : Blaise Côté To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Votre compte CitéGlobe est prêt à être utilisé! Date : Sat, 04 Sep 1999 08:38:40 -0400 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version VEUILLEZ LIRE CE MESSAGE ATTENTIVEMENT ET ENTIEREMENT. IL CONTIENT DES INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES! Si vous avez des questions, écrivez-nous à l'adresse suivante: support@citeglobe.com . Nous vous invitons aussi à visiter notre service de support technique: http://www.citeglobe.com/support/ Bienvenue! Votre compte CitéGlobe est maintenant prêt à être utilisé. Aussitôt que possible, veuillez vous assurer du fonctionnement correct de celui-ci, et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des question à ce propos. Les informations présentées ci-dessous vous seront nécessaires pour utiliser votre compte CitéGlobe. Vous voudrez sans doute les imprimer ou les écrire. # de Serveur: CitéGlobe-X (usage administratif). # de Zone: CitéGlobe-8 (usage administratif). Votre adresse web: http://folie.citeglobe.com Serveur FTP (pour accéder à votre site): c2.citeglobe.com Tout le courrier envoyé à votre domaine sera envoyé à: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Nom d'usager: c00238 Mot de passe: d1ebepe0 Code de bannière: Code pour le compteur: Lorsque vous donnez votre adresse web, assurez-vous de donner l'adresse mentionnée plus haut dans cette lettre. Le # de Serveur et le # de Zone vous sont uniquement attribuées à des fins administratives. Le serveur FTP est l'adresse que vous devez utiliser pour mettre votre site à jour et télécharger des fichiers. Pour vous connecter au serveur FTP, vous aurez besoin de vos noms d'usager et mot de passe. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur l'utilisation d'un client FTP, nous vous invitons à visiter notre section de support technique. Si vous avez demandé un compte POP3, utilisez l'adresse POP3 pour vérifier courrier électronique. Vous aurez aussi besoin de votre mot de passe pour vérifier votre courrier via POP3. !!! IMPORTANT !!! Vous devez insérer le code de bannière au HAUT DE CHAQUE PAGE. Ceci n'est *pas optionnel!*. Le seul moyen que nous avons de payer pour les frais d'opération du serveur est l'impression des bannières! Insérez la bannière dans le corps de votre HTML, après le "tag" . Votre espace sécuritaire (SSL) est aussi prêt à être utilisé. Vous pouvez y accéder via FTP en téléchargeant vos fichiers dans le sous-répertoire "secure". Ce répertoire "secure" se trouve déjà dans votre répertoire principal. Pour accéder à votre espace sécuritaire à partir du web, vous devez utiliser un URL différent de celui de votre site principal. Voici l'URL que vous devez utiliser pour accéder a à votre répertoire sécuritaire sur le web: https://www.roussil.net:8887/mfd/c00238 Deux règles à suivre pour toutes les pages (seule exception: les pages dans votre répertoire sécuritaire; vous n'avez pas à insérer de bannières dans celles-ci): 1. Insérez le Code de bannière au haut de chaque page. 2. Insérez le Code de bannière dans toutes les pages. Si vous utilisez des cadres dans votre site, assurez-vous que les bannières soient bien visibles en tout temps. Si vous avez demandé un compteur, nous vous avons fourni un code html pour votre compteur. Insérez-le dans votre page à l'endroit où vous désirez que le compteur apparaisse. Notre section de support technique contient des renseignements pour vous assister à ce sujet. Bonne chance avec votre nouveau site web! Meilleures salutations, L'équipe de CitéGlobe. Blaise Côté Administrateur du site CitéGlobe http://www.citeglobe.com --------------------------------------------------------- Hébergement web gratuit ! ________________________________________________________________________________ From : hostmaster@citeglobe.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Votre demande d'hébergement a été reçue. Date : Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:39:33 -0400 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Bonjour Sarah Freder, Merci d'avoir choisi CitéGlobe! Nous avons reçu votre demande pour le domaine: ou pour l'utilisation du sous domaine: folie Votre demande est mise en file et sera traitée bientôt. Nous traitons actuellement la plupart des demandes dans un délais maximum de 4-5 jours. Nous sommes assurés que vous avez lu toute l'information concernant votre engagement envers CitéGlobe lors de votre inscription, si ce n'est pas le cas allez jeter un oeil immédiatement. N'oubliez pas qu'Internic vous facturera directement 70$ US pour l'enregistrement de votre domaine (.COM, .NET ou .ORG). Naturellement InterNic ne vous factuera pas à nouveau si votre domaine est déjà enregistré et payé. En conclusion, nous apprécions la confiance que vous nous faites. Nos clients sont notre priorité et nous ferons tout pour vous satisfaire. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide! Et s'il vous plaît n'oubliez pas de parler de nous à TOUS vos amis! Le succès de notre site est de générer des affaires. Bien à vous, Le personnel de CitéGlobe.COM ! __________________________________________________________________________________ From : support@freespeech.org (Support) Reply-To : support@freespeech.org To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Your account information @ freespeech.org Date : Thursday, August 26, 1999 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Information on your Freespeech.org account. Please make note of the following: 1. Your account is not yet active. It will be activated on 9/2/99 2. You may check the status of your account at any time by visiting the Account Status page at http://freespeech.org/scripts/AccountActive/account_active.html 3. Your site must be active within a month of receiving this email message. We identify active accounts as those which contain an index.html file. 4. By using this account, you agree to the terms of service as outlined in http://freespeech.org/terms.html Your new website will be located at www.freespeech.org/-folie- Our FTP server is ftp.freespeech.org Your username is -folie- Your password is gceyx4k3 (Remember that your password is case sensitive and should be typed in LOWER CASE and also that you are not mistaking the letter (eye) i for the number one (1) or the letter (owe) o for the number (zero) 0 or vise versa. (Please record them somewhere safe.) You will have access to the following directories: d:\wwwroot2\-folie- -- this is your default web space g:\-folie- -- this is your video space (All RealMedia files MUST go here) For detailed instructions on how to upload your files, visit our Cheap Guide to RealMedia: http://www.freespeech.org/scripts/tutorial/html/cheapass.html If you have any trouble, please visit our support pages FIRST before you contact us at www.freespeech.org/support Also see www.freespeech.org/support/ftp_text.html regarding ALL FTP PROBLEMS ________________________________________________________________________________ From : "Megan" To : solara@chickmail.com, RiffRaff74@aol.com, SlrStar09@aol.com, SlrSolStar@aol.com, sailorsaturn@netscape.net, mony@centuryinter.net, PlutoFreak1@yahoo.com, moonlight@foolishgames.zzn.com, chibi_haruka@yahoo.com, usagi118@aol.com, veronikia@hotmail.com, pluto_jupiter@hotmail.com, Sdr3162@aol.com, Sailorcaitkitten@hotmail.com, chibi_capricorn@hotmail.com, rookbartley11@hotmail.com, SailorTigger@hotmail.com, sailor_v84@hotmail.com, catgodess@hotmail.com, fyre420853@aol.com, mellis1@airmail.net, cohaagen@usaor.net, halcyon@kitten.lag.net, ukyou_spatula@hotmail.com, kjk@roanoke.infi.net, angelmedea@chickmail.com, enigma1066@aol.com, setsuna@worldy.com, sailor_astraea@mindless.com, darienofearth@yahoo.com, NatashaDi@aol.com, outersenshi42924@hotmail.com, balkeytobey@dog.com, cybersaturn@geocities.com, michiru_art_book@yahoo.com, Moxie_Gurl92@hotmail.com, merie_42@hotmail.com, hulakitty@yahoo.com, JunJun775@aol.com, haruka_99@geocities.com, caacrinolas@hotmail.com, gohorses@yahoo.com, tatianap@mail.ang.sequel.net, sbolce@esper.com, SalrTinCat@aol.com, vpmyou@hotmail.com, seiryuu_pluto@hotmail.com, mj527@hotmail.com, supasailamara@geocities.com, cblueberry@hotmail.com, Michiru@unforgettable.com, arachna@hotmail.com, mackinnon@netsource.co.nz, sailor_tempest@yahoo.com, rebeldreamer@hotmail.com, gluesticker@mindless.com, sailorfans@usa.net, LittleSaturn@hotmail.com, sbrown@monmouth.com, SetsunaSan@aol.com, firecat54@hotmail.com, sailorserra@geocities.com, tuxedomask@rocketmail.com, belldandy25@hotmail.com, mkelly@ycp.edu Subject : HTML Date : Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:08:53 -0400 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Here's the html just replace your one that you have now and this should get rid of the problem

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_________________________________________________________________________________ From : Rebecca Chen To : frenchpeas@yahoo.com Subject : Sailor Moon Top 20 re-opens! Date : Thu, 29 Jul 1999 20:40:05 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Dear Sailor Moon Top 20 members, We are happy to announce that the Top 20 rankings are finally re-opened with a new and much more efficient system! From now on, the rankings will be updated every hour and will be reset every week! There is now also an anti-cheating gateway that only allows a single person to vote for a certain site once a day! With these new changes, we need you to do a couple of things. 1. All members who want to be ranked on the Top 20 will need to sign up again. You will receive a new Site ID number and new HTML code. Go our web site and click "Add a Link". 2. All sites that haven't been added to the Sailor Moon Top 20 list of links will need to re-submit your site. Go to our web site and click "Add a Link". 3. All sites whose site is already listed on the links of links but need their site information updated, go to our web site and click "Update Info". I am also stepping down as webmaster of the Sailor Moon Top 20, though I will still be webmaster of MoonPrincess.com and will be Updates Manager here. The new webmaster is James Torres. You can show him your support (he'll need it!) by e-mailing him at "smtop20@moonprincess.com". If you have any questions about the new changes or anything else, please e-mail us at "smtop20@moonprincess.com". Thanks for sticking by us and using Sailor Moon Top 20! Rebecca Chen Sailor Moon Top 20 Staff * NOTE: All e-mail addresses have been hidden to prevent spamming. Our apologies to those who wanted to be removed. I lost all the info when I changed e-mail programs. We promise you will not hear from us again unless you re-submit your site. Thanks for your understanding. _________________________________________________________________________________ From : Rebecca Chen To : frenchpeas@yahoo.com Subject : Sailor Moon Top 20 link Date : Thu, 29 Jul 1999 21:37:30 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Sorry, I forgot to include the link: http://www.moonprincess.com/smtop20 Have fun! Rebecca ________________________________________________________________________________ From : registration@bravenet.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Bravenet USERID and PASSWORD Date : Tue, 20 Jul 1999 17:26:23 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version ****************************************** Welcome to Bravenet! ****************************************** Keep the following numbers in a safe place. They are required in order for you to use any of our services. Your User ID# is: ic196816 (IC196816) Your Temporary Password is: cobra (COBRA) You may now register for any of Bravenet's web services at: http://www.bravenet.com Click on 'Register for Services' (step 2). Guestbooks, Forums, Counters, Classifieds, E-mail Forms, Greeting Cards, Announcers, Mailing Lists, VoteCaster, Cartoons and Search Engines! We are always interested in making improvements, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Let us know how we are doing. Note: You can change your password but not your user ID. If you have any problems, check out the Frequently Asked Questions. Thanks again for choosing Bravenet Web Services! Dave and Brad ________________________________________________________________________________ From : Spaceports To : neph Subject : Spaceports Account Date : Sun, 30 May 1999 21:33:08 -0600 (MDT) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your free Spaceports web site has been activated! Upload your site to the public_html directory on the FTP site below using the username and password provided below. Questions? Send them to help@spaceports.com or browse our FAQ page at: http://www.spaceports.com/spaceportsfaq.htm Username: neph Password: R67Dawkq FTP Site: mercury.spaceports.com Site URL: http://mercury.spaceports.com/~neph/ Write the password down! We can not look up or change lost passwords! If you did not sign up for this account, please reply and let us know! You currently have a one megabyte disc quota. If you need more space for your site, apply for an upgrade at: http://config.spaceports.com/ _____________________________________________________________________________ From : ICQ Support Subject : Your ICQ Password Date : Sun, 23 May 1999 23:02:37 -0400 (EDT) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your ICQ password is cobra33 Note: The Password is case sensitive. Please keep this important information in a secure place to prevent unauthorized access to your account. If you want to change your password you can do it from: In Version 1.02: Main Menu->Owner->View/Change My Details In Version 1.111-1.113 and ICQ98a : Main Menu->Security & Privacy If you have any further problems, contact us through http://www.icq.com/support We are sorry for any delay. Happy to assist. The ICQ Support Team. __________________________________________________________________________________ From : Sailor Venus To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : RE: Hum Date : Sat, 22 May 1999 22:19:15 0100 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Hi again! ^_^ Thank you so much! I just filled in your full name, Sarah Freder, and promoted you back to Fan status! :D I'm so glad I could help! Actually, as far as I know, the library *is* the biggest archive of Sailormoon images. On my *own* site, I've kept trying to outdo sailormoon.org, but it isn't working. ^_^; Take care, and thanks again! Smiles and laughter, Sailorvenus > Ok, super, then, my member name is Caacrinolas and my full name is Sarah > Freder... Your gallery is one of the biggest (if it is not THE biggest) > gallery i've ever seen! Continue your great work on www.sailormoon.org, it's > fan-tastik! > > If you don't remember, a little remonder: my library card is on detention > because I didn't entered my real name. So, see you soon! > > Caacrinolas > a.k.a > Sarah Freder _________________________________________________________________________________ From : "SailorMoon.org Library Card System" To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Your new account Date : Mon, 17 May 1999 16:37:21 -0500 (CDT) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Welcome to the SailorMoon.org Library card system. Your library card is now active Please go to: http://www.sailormoon.org/lcs/ to login and start using the system. Your username is : 'caacrinolas' (all lower case) Your password is : '7ravz3' (case is sensitive) Make sure you copy it down exactly as it is here. You may need to quit your browser and restart it to access the libraries. MSIE (Internet Explorer) users need to read http://www.sailormoon.org/library.html For information on Inetnet Security. MSIE is sometimes set too to weak security And that may cause problems with this site If you have any problems please email darien@sailormoon.org The sailormoon.org staff. _________________________________________________________________________________ From : popples@ucla.edu Reply-To : popples@ucla.edu To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Addition to Sailor Moon Top 20 Date : Thu, 6 May 1999 15:19:14 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your site has just been added to the Sailor Moon Top 20 categories: Site ID: 312 Title: Silence Cult URL: http://www.spaceports.com/~cult E-mail: caacrinolas@hotmail.com We recommend you go to back to our web site and check to make sure your site is in the right categories. We try our best to categorize them correctly but sometimes we miss things. If you find any mistakes, please use the Alert Form on our site to let us know. (This is faster than e-mailing us!) A link to the Alert Form can be found on our main page. Don't forget to go to Sailor Moon Top 20 first when looking for Sailor Moon on the internet! Thank you for using Sailor Moon Top 20! Sailor Moon Top 20 http://www.moonprincess.com/smtop20/ Want to be the next Sailor Moon Top 20's Favorite Site? Go here to apply! http://www.moonprincess.com/smtop20/favs.html ___________________________________________________________________________ From : signup-reply@freeservers.com To : Caacrinolas Subject : Confirmation: silencecult.8m.com Date : Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:07:23 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO FREESERVERS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!! You MAY have to wait up to 24 hours before you can view your web site and access your utilities, depending on your internet provider. It is also possible that it may be accessible immediately. If your site is still not accessible to you after 48 hours, please email support@freeservers.com. To access your site using your web browser, please visit http://silencecult.8m.com/ This is your new web page address! Thank you and ENJOY! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Username and Password for FTP and User Utilites ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For FTP and User Utility Access, please use the following information: Hostname: silencecult.8m.com Username: silencecult Password: cobra33 Note: You will also need this Username and Password to access the FreeServers Utilities, such as the file manager. When entering these areas you will be prompted to enter your username and password. IMPORTANT!! You MAY have to wait up to 24 hours before you can upload files to your web site and access your file manager, depending on your internet provider. It is also possible that it may be accessible immediately. If your site is still not accessible to you after 48 hours, please email support@freeservers.com. NOTE! If you need to immediately upload files to your web site, and your web site is not yet accessible through your web browser, you can upload via FTP using this TEMPORARY hostname: with the above username and password. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Your Unlimited Email Addresses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Your email addresses should work immediately after signing up for your Freeservers web site. To use your Free Unlimited Email Addresses, do the following: 1. Send email to any name you desire (for example, anything_you_want@silencecult.8m.com) 2. You do not need to do anything else! Your email will automatically be forwarded to the mailbox at: caacrinolas@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------ SiteTracker--The Best FREE Web Traffic Statistics on the Net Start tracking visitors to your site today! http://www.sitetracker.com/ Site See -- In order to drive traffic to your new Freeservers Web Site you must register with the search engines. Freeservers recommends Site See Submission Service which professionally submits your site by hand to all of the major search engines including Yahoo. Visit them today at http://www.site-see.com/ ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Support and User Utilities --------------------------------------------------------------------- For Help and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please visit: http://www.freeservers.com/faq.html To access your FreeServers File Manager, please go to: http://silencecult.8m.com/cgi-bin/util/fm To cancel and remove your FreeServers Account at any time, go to: http://silencecult.8m.com/cgi-bin/util/deleteaccount.cgi For A list of other User Utilities, please visit: http://silencecult.8m.com/cgi-bin/menu Good Luck and Thank You for Using FreeServers! FreeServers Support support@freeservers.com __________________________________________________________________________________ From : popples@ucla.edu Reply-To : popples@ucla.edu To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com CC : popples@ucla.edu Subject : Sailor Moon Top 20 submission Date : Tue, 16 Mar 1999 18:36:25 -0800 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS E-MAIL FOR FURTURE REFERENCE. YOU WILL NEED YOUR SITE ID FOR MANY THINGS! Your site has been successfully submitted to the Sailor Moon Top 20. Your site information is listed below. Please save this email for future reference as it contains important information. Site ID: 312 (don't forget this!) Title: Silence Cult URL: http://www.spaceports.com/~cult E-mail: caacrinolas@hotmail.com You will receive an e-mail when your site is added to the categories of Sailor Moon Top 20. However, people can start voting for your site now. Just add the HTML code on to your page. The HTMLfragment to cut and paste on your homepage can be found here: http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=smtop20;id=312;htmlcode Also, if you haven't already, please categorize your site use form on this page: http://www.tuxedomask.com/smtop20/self.html You will need your site id! If you need help, reply to this message. Apply to be the next Sailor Moon Top 20's Favorite Site of the Month! Go to: http://www.tuxedomask.com/smtop20/favs.html Come back to Sailor Moon Top 20 often to see if you made it to the Top 20! http://www.tuxedomask.com/smtop20 _________________________________________________________________________________ From : "Paul Criswell" To : Subject : Re: Technical Assistance Date : Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:17:50 -0500 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version >What a silly I am... I forgot my password. I always use the same, but... It seems >this time I used another. It is becuase in my description of site, I said that my >site was in french. It is not in french anymore, i've almost finished the english >version. No problem. Just e-mail me both the original URL and the password you would like to use, and I will update it asap. >And continue your wonderful work. Sailor search in my favorite researcher. Glad to hear it! Thank you very much. :-) - Paul Criswell http://paul.simplenet.com/smoon ICQ : 21275966 ________________________________________________________________________________ From : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com Reply-To : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com CC : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com Subject : Addition to Anime Rank Date : Sun, 21 Feb 1999 16:01:37 -0800 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your site has just been added to the webring: Ring: Absolute Anime Ranking System (rank101) Site ID: 118 Title: Silence Cult URL: http://home.ican.net/~jpmenard/snake/saturn/entre.htm E-mail: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Added by: To edit your site information, enter your Site ID and password at the URL http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=rank101;edit Absolute Anime rei_ayanami@fcmail.com ________________________________________________________________________________ From : "Rei Ayanami" To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Absolute Anime Ranking System Date : Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:15:33 -0800 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Hi! I just added you to the system and then noticed you have the old html fragment from the old ranking mistress. If you would please go to http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/ship/93/ars.html You will find all the new info you need to make the HTML fragment correct. you need only to make a few minor changes. Failure to do so will result in no votes for your site and I must say I love your site! So please hurry Thanks! Your new Ranking Mistress, Rei Ayanami **********************************Visit Rei's Evangelion Anime Temple at: http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/ship/93/ ********************************** _______________________________________________________________________________ From : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com Reply-To : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com CC : rei_ayanami@fcmail.com Subject : Anime Rank submission Date : Fri, 19 Feb 1999 20:49:51 -0800 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your site has been registered with the Webring below: Ring: Absolute Anime (rank101) Your site information (as submitted) Site ID: 118 (don't forget this!) Title: Silence Cult URL: http://home.ican.net/~jpmenard/snake/saturn/entre.htm E-mail: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Password: cobra33 (don't forget this!) Please note that your site is NOT yet in the ring. The next step is to have either the ringmaster (rei_ayanami@fcmail.com) add you to the ring. Instructions can be found on the Absloute Anime Ranking System homepage at http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/ship/93/ars.html If the information above is incorrect, you can edit your site information by entering your Site ID and password at the URL http://http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=rank101;edit Absolute Anime rei_ayanami@fcmail.com ________________________________________________________________________________ From : HOME staff To : Subject : Welcome HOME ! Date : Wed, 13 Jan 1999 14:07:59 +0100 (MET) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Bonjour, Votre contrat d'inscription au service 'United Homes of SPAN' nous est bien parvenu et à été accepté. Voici les paramètres qui vous ont été attribués : Type d'accès : FTP Nom de l'hôte (Hostname) : www.home.ch Nom de l'Utilisateur (Username) : spaw3908 Mot de passe (Password) : 5ngrkyjg Répertoire (Base Directory) : /public_html Votre adresse - URL : http://www.home.ch/~spaw3908 Pour pouvoir transférer vos pages sur notre serveur, il vous faudra disposer d'un client FTP, vous trouverez une version de WS_FTP (l'un des plus populaires sous PC / Win95) dans la section membre du service HOME. Recommandations : Veuillez lire attentivement les points suivants : -Nom des fichiers écrits en minuscule, sans caractères spéciaux (espaces et autres *ç%&/()=? Etc ...) -Utilisez les extensions standard (.html / .gif / .jpg etc ...) -Le fichier principal doit se nommer index.html pour apparaître directement. Si ce n'est pas le cas, les visiteurs n'auront pas accès a votre site s'ils ne disposent pas du nom précis de la page. Prenez dés maintenant le temps de modifier les paramètres d'indexation de votre site. Vous pourrez effectuer ces opérations dans la section membres, partie 'réglages'. Profitez-en pour vérifier que vos données personnelles soient conformes. Bonne chance ! Meilleures salutations. l'équipe du serveur HOME ! _________________________________________________________________________________ From : members.support@xoom.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Thanks for becoming a XOOM member Date : Fri, 8 Jan 1999 18:59:33 -0800 (PST) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Welcome to XOOM.com and thanks for providing your membership information. In a moment we'll give you the information necessary to activate your XOOM.com account, but there is some other important information you should know before you begin. For your records, here is the information you will need in order to access your XOOM.com account: Member Name: cultgif Password: cobra33 Once you've activated your account, you can join our communities, use our great clip art, build your homepage and display it for the world to see via our 100 megabit direct feed to the Internet backbone. You have two ways to put up your homepage. You can use our Easy Page Builder, selecting colorful graphics and backgrounds from our collection and adding your own text in easy-to-use templates that require no HTML. Or you can create your site offline and upload it to your new XOOM.com member directory via FTP. You'll find lots of other great features on XOOM.com. You can download a great selection of web tools, add a chatroom, guestbook, and page counter to your homepage, and participate in community activities. And we have live classes and tutorials covering every aspect of homepage building at our Homepage Help Center. To activate your account, log in to the following page using the member name and password you already selected: http://xoom.com/validate/?ID=22D44473AEB8F8 One of the best things about being a XOOM.com member is the great Web software, clip art and other products you can buy at special members only pricing. As a special benefit for new members we are offering you our just-released deluxe 6 CD-ROM Web Clip Empire Collection. Here's what you get: Discs 1 and 2 - Over 75,000 Animated GIFs *includes 50,000+ Brand New Animations! Discs 3 and 4 - Over 60,000 Non-animated Clips *includes 17,000+ Brand New Web Objects! Disc 5 - Over 5,200 Music Tracks and Sound Effects Disc 6 - Over 13,800 Java Buttons, Photos and Videos *includes over 11,000 brand new Java Buttons! Since XOOM.com commissioned many of these clips EXCLUSIVELY from graphic designers and animators worldwide, you won't find many of them anywhere else. These clips are so new, they are not currently available from the XOOM.com Web Site. XOOM.com will offer this set to the public from its Web Site for $79.95. As a new member, you'll pay only $29.95, a savings of 63% off this price. That's a whopping savings of $50 off our retail price and less than $5 per clip-packed CD-ROM. To get more details about this offer to new members or to order, go to this secret URL: http://orders.xoom.com/wce150/xoom_new/ We are making this offer as a way to say thanks to new members. And be assured you have our full no fault money back guarantee from XOOM.com on your purchase if you are not completely satisfied for any reason. So order this great collection today. I know you will love it. We're very pleased you've chosen XOOM.com - we're working hard to bring you new member benefits - and to make XOOM.com the best place to be on the Web. Bob Ellis, Publisher EMAIL: caacrinolas@hotmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ From : webmaster@netmanor.com To : caacrinolas Subject : caacrinolas's new home on the net. Date : Fri, 8 Jan 1999 19:07:30 -0500 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thank you for choosing NetManor as the home of your new 15MB web site and email address. Your ID is: cult2 Your Password is: cobra33 Your web site is at: http://www.netmanor.com/cult2 Your Email address is: cult2@netmanor.com Please Note: You must include the following link in your main web page somewhere visible. If you have a main page other than "index.html" you must include it in both "index.html" and your main page. Thank you for choosing NetManor.com Sincerely, The NetManor Management webmaster@netmanor.com ________________________________________________________________________________ From : webmaster@netmanor.com To : Caacrinolas Subject : Caacrinolas's new home on the net. Date : Fri, 8 Jan 1999 18:52:09 -0500 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thank you for choosing NetManor as the home of your new 15MB web site and email address. Your ID is: cult1 Your Password is: cobra33 Your web site is at: http://www.netmanor.com/cult1 Your Email address is: cult1@netmanor.com Please Note: You must include the following link in your main web page somewhere visible. If you have a main page other than "index.html" you must include it in both "index.html" and your main page. Thank you for choosing NetManor.com Sincerely, The NetManor Management webmaster@netmanor.com _________________________________________________________________________________ From : "Edg Duveyoung" Reply-To : edg@iqtest.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Your IQ Test Results Date : Fri, 18 Dec 1998 18:00:25 -0600 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thank you for recently taking the Self Discovery Workshop's IQ Test. Because of the Internet's ability to mishandle transmissions, we are reconfirming via E-mail that your IQ Test score was: 150. If you wish to purchase your Complete Personal Intelligence Profile, you can do so by going to this address: http://www2.iqtest.com/view/iqtest/options/981218/9140256256850 You may return to this address anytime to view your score. You can use your Netscape or MicroSoft Internet Explorer browser software to bookmark this page's location. Our test usually gets within 5 points of the professional tests--a remarkable feat for a 13 minute test. Our test gives you a quick and fast measurement of your abilities, and that can indicate directions for you to take. 100 is average. 120 is smart enough to finish most college undergraduate level courses. 130 is genius. 150 is less than 1/2 of 1% of the test takers. Please go here for an explanation of what an IQ Score is and how it can be used to compare one's abilities to that of others: http://www.iqtest.com/scoreexplain.html Please go here for an explanation of our Complete Personal Intelligence Profile: http://www.iqtest.com/profileexplain.html Please go here for an explanation on how a response to a problem can be analyzed in terms of various types of intelligence being used: http://www.iqtest.com/profileexplain2.html Please go here for a sample/example profile--not your profile, but it shows what your profile would "look like": http://www.iqtest.com/profilesample.html Please go here for a history of the development of this test: http://www.iqtest.com/historytest.html Best Regards, Edg Duveyoung _________________________________________________________________________________ From : webmaster@earthweb.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Javascripts.com - OneTimeEmailVerificationCode Date : Tue, 1 Dec 1998 20:30:17 -0500 (EST) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version AUTOMATED RESPONSE TO YOUR INQUIRY: Thanks for your interest in joining the 24 Hour JavaScripts site! The following is the OneTimeEmailVerificationCode you will need to join our little community. This process has become necessary to curb misuse of the site. Your OneTimeEmailVerificationCode is: yqqu Type this in on the verification page you're probably still staring at and you're done. Btw, you said your email was "caacrinolas@hotmail.com" and used the password "cobra33". If you've forgotten already. ABOUT THIS EMAIL: Have no idea why you got this message? This email is being sent because you (or someone claiming they were you) visited the http://www.javascripts.com member registration page. This is part of our security verification process. This email will not be repeated unless you (or someone claiming they are you) attempt to register again. If you, or someone who shares your email account really did not try to register then reply to this email (leaving all it's contents intact) and we'll see if there's anything we can do to stop it from happening again. Please use the subject: IT WASN'T ME. REPLYING TO THIS EMAIL: Replies to this email are ignored. If you have questions, go to the help page and ask the Avatars. ARE WE JOKING? Yes. This is all just highly secret project by the United States government to recuit the most brillant hackers, for only a true hacker can get into our site! Seriously, no, it's not a joke. What gave you that idea? THE FOLLOWING IS DEBUGGING INFORMATION: If you didn't make this request, then perhaps this information will be useful for you to track down who did. SERVER_PORT=80 CONTENT_LENGTH=79 HTTP_ACCEPT=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/msword, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, */* HTTP_HOST=www.javascripts.com REMOTE_ADDR= CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP_REFERER=http://www.javascripts.com/ SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE=fr-ca HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET= REQUEST_METHOD=POST PATH_INFO=/registration.cfm HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95) AUTH_USER= AUTH_TYPE= SERVER_SOFTWARE=Microsoft-IIS/3.0 SERVER_NAME=www.javascripts.com QUERY_STRING= SCRIPT_NAME=/registration.cfm REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_USER HTTP_COOKIE= AUTH_GROUP= HTTP_CONNECTION=Keep-Alive _____________________________________________________________________________ From : ZapZone Group To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Welcome to ZapZone Date : Mon, 30 Nov 1998 14:05:22 -0800 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Snake, welcome to ZapZone. This message contains important information about your custom silence E-Mail service. Please make sure to keep it for future reference. LINKING TO silence FROM YOUR SITE In order to link silence Mail from your site, please copy the following HTML code onto your site's Homepage, and any other pages on your website where you would like the free Web-based E-mail service to appear. This code will provide you with an image and a link that you and your users can use to access your E-mail accounts and sign up for new ones. ZZN
Account LINKING TO THE ZAPZONE WEBSITE: As a member of the ZapZone service and in order to remain one, you are required to place the ZapZone Membership button on your Homepage. This button allows anyone who is curious about the ZapZone service to be directed to http://www.zzn.com. Copy this line of code to your Homepage and any other pages on your site where you have provided a link to your new E-mail service. This code will provide you with an image and a link to the ZapZone Homepage, and will help introduce other site operators to ZapZone. ZZN
Service USER NAME AND PASSWORD FOR silence MAIL ADMINISTRATION: To use the online administration tools for your silence mail service, or to modify the user interface, you must login to: http://www.zzn.com/informail/login.asp and identify yourself as: Service Name: silence Password: cobra33 USER NAME AND PASSWORD FOR ACCESSING YOUR OWN E-MAIL ACCOUNT AT silence MAIL: A special account has been automatically created for you at silence Mail, called webmaster@silence.zzn.com. Please use this account to receive your monthly user statistics and other ZapZone updates. You may also use it to send administrative or marketing messages to your service users. You will also receive a copy of all ZapZone updates at your old E-mail address. To use this account, please log into silence Mail at http://silence.zzn.com, and identify yourself as: User name: webmaster Password: cobra33 Thank you very much for signing up for the ZapZone FREE Web-based E-mail service. This service will help you drive more traffic to your website and will literally make your website into a destination site for all of your E-mail users. If you ever have any questions about your ZapZone service, please visit our web site at http://www.zzn.com, where you will find all the Member information you need. For technical support inquiries regarding your E-Mail service Please fill in the techsupport form linked to from http://silence.zzn.com. For other inquiries regarding ZZN's Members' Area or ZZN in General, please write to E-mail us at info@zzn.com. To find out more about CommTouch, the company behind ZapZone, please visit us at http://www.commtouch.com Thanks again, The ZapZone Team __________________________________________________________________________________ From : LE FastCounter To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : LE FastCounter Date : Fri, 20 Nov 1998 14:11:59 -0800 (PST) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thanks for choosing LE FastCounter. Here's your account info: FastCounter account number: F665659 FastCounter password: saturn And here's the HTML code to insert into your site:
FastCounter by LinkExchange
If you have questions about inserting the HTML code, please take a look at the help page at http://www.fastcounter.com/help.html Click on your counter to check your stats. And remember to tell your friends about FastCounter! If you haven't already, be sure to visit LinkExchange at http://www.linkexchange.com/fc where you'll find a bunch of great stuff for your web site. Become a member today! Thanks, Team LinkExchange _______________________________________________________________________________ From : Spaceports To : cult Subject : Spaceports Account Date : Mon, 16 Nov 1998 14:00:39 -0700 (MST) Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your free Spaceports web site has been activated! Upload your site to the public_html directory on ftp.spaceports.com using the username and password provided below. Questions? Send them to help@spaceports.com or browse our FAQ page at: http://www.spaceports.com/spaceportsfaq.htm Username: cult Password: voXuevrj Site URL: http://www.spaceports.com/~cult/ Write the password down! We can not look up or change lost passwords! If you did not sign up for this account, please reply and let us know! Do you need more space for your Spaceports site? If so, simply e-mail upgrade@spaceports.com and include the amount of space your site needs and the reason you need the additional web space. Please be specific! ________________________________________________________________________________ From : ringdestruction@htomail.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Automatic removal from The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction queue Date : Sat, 24 Oct 1998 07:19:29 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Name: Site: Le culte de Sailor Saturn Site ID: 55 URL: http://home.ican.net/~jpmenard/snake/saturn/entre.htm Ooooops!

Your site (above) has been automatically removed from The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction queue due to 20 days of inactivity. Sites are automatically removed if they have been there for 20 days without being added to the ring. The Site ID number you were previously assigned has been freed and is no longer valid (or possibly in use by another site). This DOES NOT mean you cannot join this ring. What it probably means is that I have been so lazy I forgot to check the queue to see if there were any new members, I apologize. If you are still interested in becoming a member, you may resubmit your site. Also E-mail me immediately and yell at me for not paying attention. ^_^ Information on hot to join can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/9264/index.html Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. ringdestruction@hotmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ From : "Mara K." To : spygirl@firefly.usaf.org Subject : Cycle of Time - IMPORTANT UPDATE Date : Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:18:49 -0400 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Dear COT Member, The Cycle of Time is down temporarily, until I can transfer all of the files and other pertinent stuff to a new account somewhere. Why? Xoom no longer allows images to remote-load. So, I ask all of you to REFRAIN FROM MAILING ME, or applying to the COT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE (Note: if you need to update your site information, wait until the application form is up again). The COT _WILL_ go back up. I'm going to see what I can do for good, permanent webspace for the COT. Please remove your banner fragments for the time being. Assuming all goes well, your site will not be deleted from the COT, nor will you have to reapply. A new banner fragment will be mailed to you. Please watch the COT homepage (http://come.to/time-cycle) for updates. Also, if there is anyone interested in helping out with the COT, please contact me immediately. Please use "Cycle of Time - Response to Mailing" as the subject. Thank you for your patience, and I humbly apologize for the inconvenience. Happy October! -Mara K. -- øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø Mara K. 8^) | http://mara.animecity.ml.org PLEASE VOTE FOR PLUTO PLANET POWER @ THE SM PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS!!! http://members.tripod.com/~AmazonessQuartet/vote/vote.html Cos I love you all! :D øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø _______________________________________________________________________________ From : ringdestruction@hotmail.com Reply-To : ringdestruction@hotmail.com To : 'caacrinolas@hotmail.com' CC : 'ringdestruction@hotmail.com' Subject : The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction submission Date : Mon, 21 Sep 1998 05:08:13 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Your site has been registered with this Webring: Ring: The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction Your site information (as submitted) Site ID: 55 (don't forget this!) Title: Le culte de Sailor Saturn URL: http://home.ican.net/~jpmenard/snake/saturn/entre.htm E-mail: caacrinolas@hotmail.com Password: cobra33 (don't forget this!) Please note that your site is NOT yet in the ring. Be patient now. The Ringmaster will add you to the ring as soon as your page is evaluated. Please don't ask another member to add you to the ring!!! ^_^ If the information above is incorrect, you can edit your site information by entering your Site ID and password at the URL: http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=monkichi;edit You will need to copy and paste the HTML fragment and put it in your page. If I don't see it I will not be able to add you to the Ring. To get the HTML fragment go here: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/9264/fragments.html Questions? Confused? E-mail me!!! ringdestruction@hotmail.com The SailorSaturn Ring of Destruction http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/9264/index.html _______________________________________________________________________________ From : registration@thepalace.com Reply-To : registration-problems@thepalace.com To : caacrinolas@hotmail.com Subject : Your Palace Client Registration Code Date : Tue, 18 Aug 1998 16:39:44 -0700 Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Canadmissionamis eeiarianeBettinaCaptain ChaosChatouilleClémentinefrancis et cieGGGauchere Printer Friendly Version Thank you for registering for the Palace Client. Your membership activation code is: SHGS-X9JL-D6BUS This code will unlock all of the features of the Palace Client. To enter the code: 1. Start your Palace software. 2. A dialog box will be displayed. Choose "Stay A Guest". It will then close and let you into the program. 3. Go to the file menu, and choose disconnect to assure that you are not connected to any Palaces. 4. Go to the file menu again, and choose "Activate Membership". 5. Enter your name, organization, and membership activation code into the spaces provided. 6. Click OK. If you have any problems, please check out the tech support pages on the PalaceSpace web site: http://www.palacespace.com/support/index.html ******************************************************************************* If you feel that you have received this email in error, please send a copy of this email and any requests to registration-problems@thepalace.com. ******************************************************************************* _________________________________________________________________________________